Kid-Tastic Blog

Welcome to the Kid-Tastic Child Care Blog, your go-to resource for a wide range of topics related to child care, play and development, education, health and nutrition, and more. Here, you'll also find, the latest updates and highlights from the monthly events held at Kid-Tastic. These regular gatherings provide an opportunity for children to engage in exciting activities, make new friends, and create cherished memories.

Best Strategies for Helping Your Child Ease into Child Care

2024-03-04T17:04:28+00:00February 18, 2024|Childhood Education, Kid-Tastic Blog|

Image by freepik Best Strategies for Helping Your Child Ease into Child Care Starting child care is a significant milestone for both children and parents. While it offers numerous benefits, such as socialization and early learning [...]

Kid-Tastic Child Care Thrilled with Star Testing Results in K5 Program

2024-02-15T11:17:35+00:00January 18, 2024|Kid-Tastic Blog, Updates & Notices|

Media Contact: Amanda James (414) 502-5515 [email protected] Kid-Tastic Child Care Thrilled with Star Testing Results in K5 Program Milwaukee, Wisconsin – January 15, 2024 – Renaissance® is the leader in Pre-K–12 learning analytics, enabling teachers, curriculum creators, [...]

Moving from Infants Room to Toddler Room in Child Care

2024-01-13T12:59:56+00:00January 13, 2024|Child Safety and Protection, Kid-Tastic Blog|

Smooth Transition: Moving from Infants Room to Toddler Room in Child Care Hello, Kid-Tastic parents! We know that watching your tiny tot grow is an awe-inspiring journey filled with unforgettable moments. As your child takes [...]

On-The-Go Breakfast Ideas for Busy Families with Toddlers and Infants

2023-11-27T12:28:03+00:00November 27, 2023|Health and Nutrition, Kid-Tastic Blog|

Easy, On-The-Go Breakfast Ideas for Busy Families with Toddlers and Infants Hey there, awesome parents! We know how mornings can be a bit of a whirlwind when you've got little ones to take care of. [...]

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